I am also fascinated by different views and philosophies on life and the spiritual.
Yesterday, I paid a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which I had not done in quite some time, and while browsing through my favorite section in the Met, the art of Oceania and Africa, I was intrigued by these Asmat Ancester Figures.
Humans, trees, and wood sculpture are inseparably linked in the cosmology of the Asmat people of southwest New Guinea. The human body is equated metaphysically with a tree: the legs and feet are the roots, the torso the trunk, the arms and hands the branches, and the head the fruit. In some origin traditions, humanity was born from wood figures carved by primordial being named Fumeripits. Fumeripits built the first men's ceremonial house, but he grew lonesome living alone, so he cut down trees and carved them into human figures for company. The lifeless figures did not relieve his loneliness, so he made a drum. As he drummed, the figures, whose elbows and knees were joined together, slowly came to life, becoming the first Asmat.
Almost all human images in Asmat art depict recent ancestors, whose names they bear. Freestanding ancestor figures such as these were created in some areas for ceremonies celebrating the inauguration of a new men's ceremonial house. During the rites, performers reenacted the origin of humanity, dancing with intentional awkwardness to simulate the movements of the first humans, whose elbows and knees had just become separated. Although the seated figure represents a recent ancestor, its elbows and knees are joined by tabs of wood, likely a reference to this episode from the origin of humanity."
Interesting. Those figures remind me of the long slender people you draw.
Carol, you might have really been a tree!
haha! they are like those figures i draw!! wow, how did i not notice that before?!
and i also think i might have been a tree! among other things! haha
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